Gender equity is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
In our panel `Genuine Qualities in Achieving Gender Equity` we approached the topic from an authentic perspective starting with creating the right company culture and linked this with the “Social” aspects of ESG metrics. I am honored to host the below distinguished speakers in our panel:
- Sarah Maynard, Global Head External Inclusion & Diversity Strategies, CFA Institute
- Martina Macpherson, Head of Strategy, ODDO BHF Asset Management
- Caroline Codsi, IAS.A., ICD.D., Founder & President Women in Governance
- Paul Smith, CFA, Founder at SustainFinance and Former President of CFA Institute
- Kubra Koldemir, Author at SustainFinance and Researcher Argüden Governance Academy